Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Little Nino's Pizzeria- FIAR

Our Five in a Row Co-op had a fun time today reading Little Nino's Pizzeria, by Karen Barbour. We talked about having a servant's heart, how bigger isn't always better, and how we can help others. Instead of making lapbooks, we made folder menus for our pizzeria story.
We made homemade pizza, along with some pizza topping math, learned words in Italian, and made a Matisse type drawing for the back of our menu. I printed some cards on what you can add to a pizza to play a memory match game and we learned about homonyms- words that sound alike, but are different.

You can find a variety of ideas for Five In a Row books at homeschool share - this site is really a great resource.

1 comment:

Robbins Zoo said...

THANK YOU for sharing!! I'm sure this will be a hit with April!

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