Monday, September 6, 2010

Homemade Doll Sling Tutorial

Every child needs a cute doll sling for their special baby and they are simple to make.
Step 1:  Cut one yard of fabric in half lengthwise.  Fold the half lengthwise with like sides together (meaning the colorful fabric sides should be touching). I was able to make 2 slings with 1 yard of fabric.
Step 2:  Sew the open (long) side together, you'll be making a tub. Both ends of the tube should remain open.
Step 3: Slip the fabric around your child and take note on what length the sling should be. Slip one open end into the other open end. You may wish to trim excess fabric at one end. Sew across with a zig-zag stitch and close the sling.
Step 4: Slip the doll sling over your child, pull the fabric apart, and place your child's doll inside.
View from the back.
Olive said she was able to get her baby to sleep a lot faster with her new sling. I hope your child enjoys this cute project as much as my girls.

This post is linked to:  Handmade Holiday

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