Friday, December 31, 2010

Getting ready to start fresh...again

Today we'll be cleaning, mopping, and getting a little organized since we are still basking in the after Christmas glow. Daddy has been off work and we've been spending quality family time together. We went on a lovely zoo trip yesterday and saw a baby giraffe and koala.
We have doing just a little homeschool these past few weeks. We have enjoyed crafting, advent activities, reading, and building. Olive really enjoyed putting this Lego camper together with her's really cute.
Today the girls are playing store. Olive made these really pretty construction paper fruits. Each fruit is worth five cents and Jem has to count out five pennies. They are really playing nicely together, it makes my heart happy.

It's been a year with big highs and a few big dips, but we are so blessed. I know 2011 will have more surprises in store for all of us. I am keeping my eyes wide open so I don't miss a thing! May you have a peaceful and healthy New Year and thank-you for coming along on my journey.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The hanging fruit display at your store looks great!

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