Friday, February 19, 2010

Homemade Bouncy Balls

We made these cool homemade bouncy balls and they really bounce! Give it a try, you'll be surprised that these simply ingredients really work.
Things You'll Need:
1 tablespoon white (Elmer's) glue or tacky glue, but not the washable kind.

1/2 teaspon borax (you can find this in Target or your grocery store in the detergent section).

1 tablespoon cornstarch 

4 tablespoons warm water (add more as needed).

2 popsicle sticks for stirring.

2 small disposable cups

-Put glue in one cup
-Put borax, cornstarch and water in the other cup- wait 15 seconds
-Add water mix to glue cup and stir.
-Once hard to stir, remove and mold into a ball....and bounce away!

PS: You could also add food coloring to the glue mix to make colored bouncy balls.


jen at said...

love this & will try it soon!

Erin said...

Oh my gosh! How cool is this?! Can't wait to make these with my kids. They will love them!

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