Quick Stops

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

"My First Needlepoint" with a bit of recycling!

Those red plastic bags that many apples and oranges come in at the grocery store are perfect for this "My First Needlepoint" project.  All you need to do is cut the bag in half, use a needlepoint hoop, a length of yarn, and tape to make a needle head.
The girls really enjoyed making their own pattern, but next time I plan to drawn a simply shape, like a heart, so they can see a final shape.
Plus, Olive thinks it's cool that we recycled all those fruit bags for a fun craft.

Let's Explore has another great needlepoint idea for kids.


  1. What a clever activity and you know I'm thrilled that it involves recycling. LOL! Mom 2

  2. P.S. At the craft store you can find really big needles for the yarn, when they are ready to advance to a real needle. I look forward to sharing this craft with them. Love, Mom 2

  3. What a FANTASTIC idea! Sewing is becoming a lost art and I get so happy seeing other young moms teaching it!!



I love your comments; they make my day, especially when you find an old sippy cup under the bed!
Warmly, Karen
Sippy Cup Central Mom