Quick Stops

Monday, February 15, 2010

Playdough Ballerina

This is how you can find Jem on most days...
Jem wakes up and puts on her favorite ballerina tutu. She loves to sit at her little table molding Playdough. My happy and stubborn child always seems to have a a tune in her head and you'll find her dancing from place to place. I love how the light shines on her in this photo.

We followed this playdough recipe from
Montessori Moments.

1 cup of flour
1/2 cup of salt
1 Tablespoon of cooking oil
1 Tablespoon of cream of tartar
1 cup of water
Mix together and cook on medium heat until it forms a ball. Remove from heat and kneed it. It will be hot. 


  1. I found your blog while searching for penguin crafts. I love your different ideas!

  2. Thanks you so much, that made me feel great!


I love your comments; they make my day, especially when you find an old sippy cup under the bed!
Warmly, Karen
Sippy Cup Central Mom